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Importing AutoCAD Meshes to Bryce

This tutorial describes how to create a triangular ground model using Key Terra-Firma and AutoCAD and how to import this ground model into Bryce.

Popularity: 6.86 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 46,881

Multi/Sub-Object materials

A Multi/Sub-Object material is a container for a number of sub-materials. This type of material is used when you need to assign different materials to different parts of an object and is used in infrastructure and environment projects mainly for objects such as benches, tables, lamposts, buildings etc. This tutorial works through a number of examples.

Popularity: 16.57 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 102,096

Site Layout Exercise 1

This exercise is designed to help you test out your basic AutoCAD skills. You'll need an understanding of the Draw and Modify tools and how to use co-ordinates.

Popularity: 53.97 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 368,956

Editing and Saving Materials

Once materials have been created and edited in the Material Editor to suit a particular scene they no longer need to be kept in the Materials Editor. Materials can be saved in material libraries and retreived for use in any other scene. This tutorial shows you how.

Popularity: 17.42 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 107,320

Object Properties

This tutorial describes how to control the display of objects (colour, linetype etc.) using layers. It also explains what layers are and how they should be used.

Popularity: 62.58 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 427,828

Preparing an AutoCAD drawing for 3D

This tutorial explains the main issues to consider when drawing in AutoCAD and preparing a drawing for use in 3D work.

Popularity: 33.84 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 208,560

Transforming Objects

Transforming objects means changing the position, size or number of an object without altering the integrity of the geometry itself. MAX offers a host of transformation tools to do these tasks. This tutorial gets you started.

Popularity: 17.14 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 105,653

Exterior Lighting

This tutorial shows you how to set up a standard Sunlight System using a target direct light and including ambient light and standard shadow map settings.

Popularity: 9.23 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 56,880

AutoCAD 2010: The 3D Primitives

This tutorial follows on from the Getting ready for 3D tutorial and describes how each of the 3D primitives work. Running time: 15min 10sec

Popularity: 15.87 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 88,895

Stage 3: Create Surfaces

Production of seamless surfaces for roads, pavements, grassed areas and planting beds is probably the most important stage in the creation of a 3D landscape scene. This tutorial shows you how.

Popularity: 3.89 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 23,951

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North Point Exercise

North Point Exercise | AutoCAD

An exercise sheet, covering a range of basic skills including object snaps.

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