This tutorial gives a brief explanation of the MAX interface items commonly used and introduces you to the important areas of the interface.
Popularity: 15.45 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 96,207
Before attempting to create a scene it is important to understand global settings pertaining to any scene that will make modelling more efficient together with settings that pertain to individual scenes and stages in scene development. This tutorial explains Viewport Configuration options, Scene Settings and basic MAX / VIZ Configuration.
Popularity: 11.35 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 70,645
Gaining the skill to navigate efficiently around a scene and around objects and parts of objects (sub-objects) efficiently and with ease is of paramount importance to good modelling. Most new users of MAX / VIZ need to get over this first hurdle before feeling comfortable in the 3D environment. Fear not, MAX / VIZ has a host of tools for the purpose. This tutorial descibes the most useful navigation techniques.
Popularity: 8.04 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 50,036