This tutorial explains the main issues to consider when drawing in AutoCAD and preparing a drawing for use in 3D work.
Popularity: 33.71 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 209,050
The first and perhaps most crucial stage in creating a 3D landscape scene is the creation of accurate and seamless surfaces. This tutorial explores a number (not all) of techniques for creating quick and accurate surfaces from 2D lines and should give the user a feel for the range of tools available.
Popularity: 8.54 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 52,966
Edges exist where one surface meets another. Usually an edge is a surface edge detail such as pavers, a retaining wall or stepped features such as steps or terracing. This tutorial explores ways of working with them to create 3D elements.
Popularity: 5.42 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 33,602
A ramp surface created in a previous tutorial is rotated down to meet the bottom steps and the geometry edited to fit the steps. A car park is also formed using splines snapped to existing geometry.
Popularity: 5.09 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 31,576
This tutorial completes the sequence by adding planting beds to the scene using a Subvivide modifier.
Popularity: 3.83 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 23,748
28th March 2025