Pavement Ramp and Car Park
by Ian Ibbotson
Here, the ramp surface created in a previous tutorial is rotated down to meet the bottom steps and the geometry edited to fit the staeps. The car park is also formed using splines snapped to existing geometry
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Pavement Ramp
- Either start from the previous stage or open kf304_01.max
- Whilst viewing the Pavement ramp from the Front View, rotate it on the Y axis using spinner snap of 0.01 (to control the rotation finely) so the bottom meets the steps
- Adjust the vertices to flatten the ramp where it joins the steps

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Car Park surface
- Snap a line to the edge of the site geometry and extend this to form one edge of the car park
- Adjust the height of the end vertex
- Snap another line to the building path corner and extend to the other corner of the car park
- Adjust the height of the end vertex
- Insert (Refine) a number of vertices on both lines to give uniform detail (when a terrain is created)
- Select both lines and create a Terrain Object
- Convert to Editable Mesh
- Subdivide to give uniform faces
- Rename the terrain: Car Park surface
- Delete any splines left over from the terrain creation

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