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Tutorials of the Moment

The most recently viewed tutorials

Modifying Objects

Modifying Objects | AutoCADThis tutorial runs through all of the modify tools, demonstrating practical examples in each case.


Using Co-ordinates

Using Co-ordinates | AutoCADAll about the use of co-ordinates in AutoCAD.

Last visited: less than one minute ago


Last visited: less than one minute ago

AutoCAD 2010: 3D Array

AutoCAD 2010: 3D Array | AutoCADThis tutorial introduces 3D Array tool and covers both Rectangular and Polar arrays. Despite the fact that it doesn't have a neat dialogue box, like its 2D cousin, 3D Array is pretty easy to use and can be used to create some impressive results. Running time: 3min 34sec


AutoLISP Quick Start

AutoLISP Quick Start | AutoLISPThis tutorial is designed to help AutoCAD users get to grips with AutoLISP quickly. It demonstartes how to create AutoLISP routines from a standing start.

Last visited: less than one minute ago


Last visited: 3 minutes ago

Featured Tutorials

Tutorials we think you'll like

AutoCAD 2010: Starting a Command

AutoCAD  2010: Starting a Command | AutoCADThis video tutorial demonstrates some of the methods for starting a command in AutoCAD. Running time: 2min 42sec


AutoCAD 2010: Ribbon Basics

AutoCAD 2010: Ribbon Basics | AutoCADThis video tutorial introduces you to the AutoCAD 2010 ribbon and demonstrates the various options you have when working with it. Running time: 5min 49sec

Last visited: 1 hour ago


Last visited: 1 hour ago

AutoCAD 2010: The User Interface - Part 1

AutoCAD 2010: The User Interface - Part 1 | AutoCADThis video tutorial takes you on a guided tour of the AutoCAD 2010 user interface. This is the best place to start for beginners. Running time: 3min 56sec


AutoCAD 2010: Getting Ready for 3D

AutoCAD 2010: Getting Ready for 3D | AutoCADThis video tutorial describes how to prepare the AutoCAD 2010 user interface (UI) ready for a 3D drawing project. Running time: 2min 23sec

Last visited: 4 hours ago


Last visited: 13 hours ago

Tip of the Day

Mid Between 2 Points (m2p)

m2pSometimes you might want to find a point midway between two other points. In the past, you might have drawn a line between these two points and then used "Snap to Midpoint" but this requires the drawing of a construction line and isn't very efficient.

Enter the m2p object snap. This will find the midpoint between any two picked points without the need for a construction line.

How it works: Say you want to draw a circle midway between two squares, start the circle command and then enter "m2p" when prompted to specify the center point. Now just follow the prompts.

Command: circle
Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]: m2p
First point of mid: (pick first point)
Second point of mid: (pick second point)
Specify radius of circle or [Diameter] <20.000>: (pick to complete circle)

Today's tip is by yedan

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AutoCAD 2010: The ViewCube

AutoCAD 2010: The ViewCube | AutoCAD

This tutorial introduces the ViewCube and describes how it can be used for effectively navigating your 3D drawings. Running time: 6min 13sec

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