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(atoi (strcat (itoa (LM:randrange 0 9)) (itoa (LM:randrange 0 9)) (itoa (LM:randrange 0 9)) (itoa (LM:randrange 0 9)) (itoa (LM:randrange 0 9)) (itoa (LM:randrange 0 9))))


(* (LM:rand) 1000000)





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There is also this *.lsp...


(defun c:6_digit_rnd-1 ( / rnd *a* 1_digit 2_digit 3_digit 4_digit 5_digit 6_digit done )

  (defun rnd ( / ti tis ns n ) ; *a* - lexical global number variable ; return - n random number from 0 to 9
    (setq ti (car (_vl-times)))
    (setq tis (itoa ti))
    (setq ns (substr tis (strlen tis)))
    (setq n (atoi ns))
    (if (null *a*)
      (setq *a* n)
        (while (= *a* n)
          (setq ti (car (_vl-times)))
          (setq tis (itoa ti))
          (setq ns (substr tis (strlen tis)))
          (setq n (atoi ns))
        (setq *a* n)

  (while (not done)
    (while (= (setq 1_digit (rnd)) 0))
    (setq 2_digit (rnd))
    (setq 3_digit (rnd))
    (setq 4_digit (rnd))
    (setq 5_digit (rnd))
    (setq 6_digit (rnd))
    (if (not (vl-position (setq *rtn* (atoi (strcat (itoa 1_digit) (itoa 2_digit) (itoa 3_digit) (itoa 4_digit) (itoa 5_digit) (itoa 6_digit)))) *lst*))
      (setq done t)
      (setq done nil)
  (prompt (strcat "\n" (itoa *rtn*))) ; *rtn* - global variable - 6 digits number
  (setq *lst* (cons *rtn* *lst*)) ; *lst* - global variable - list of passed 6 digits numbers
  (prompt "\n6_digit_rnd is stored in global variable *rtn* - you can call it with !*rtn*...")




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Another one...


(defun c:6_digit_rnd-2 ( / vldcl-RandomByGUID n ns lst done )

  (defun vldcl-RandomByGUID ()
            (function (lambda ( x ) (< 47 x 58)))
              (vlax-get (vlax-create-object "Scriptlet.TypeLib") "GUID")

  (while (not done)
    (setq n (* (vldcl-RandomByGUID) 1e+6))
    (setq ns (rtos n 2))
    (setq *rtn* (substr ns 1 6))
    (setq lst (list (substr *rtn* 1 1) (substr *rtn* 2 1) (substr *rtn* 3 1) (substr *rtn* 4 1) (substr *rtn* 5 1) (substr *rtn* 6 1)))
    (if (and (not (vl-position "." lst)) (not (vl-position (atoi *rtn*) *lst*)))
      (setq done t)
      (setq done nil)
  (prompt (strcat "\n" *rtn*))
  (setq *rtn* (atoi *rtn*)) ; *rtn* - global variable - 6 digit number
  (setq *lst* (cons *rtn* *lst*)) ; *lst* - global variable - list of passed 6 digit numbers
  (prompt "\n6 digit rnd number is stored in *rtn* global variable... You can call it with : !*rtn*")




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To see millions of numbers, start this *.lsp and hold SPACE key, then after while click left mouse button and look in global *lst* with : !*lst*

This second version is much faster than my first one, so I used (while) looping for this second example...

I hope this is what you were seeking, otherwise I don't know what would you need RND 6 digits calculations...


(defun c:6_digit_rnd-1-while ( / rnd *a* 1_digit 2_digit 3_digit 4_digit 5_digit 6_digit done )

  (defun rnd ( / ti tis ns n ) ; *a* - lexical global number variable ; return - n random number from 0 to 9
    (setq ti (car (_vl-times)))
    (setq tis (itoa ti))
    (setq ns (substr tis (strlen tis)))
    (setq n (atoi ns))
    (if (null *a*)
      (setq *a* n)
        (while (= *a* n)
          (setq ti (car (_vl-times)))
          (setq tis (itoa ti))
          (setq ns (substr tis (strlen tis)))
          (setq n (atoi ns))
        (setq *a* n)

  (while (/= (car (grread)) 3)
    (setq done nil)
    (while (not done)
      (while (= (setq 1_digit (rnd)) 0))
      (setq 2_digit (rnd))
      (setq 3_digit (rnd))
      (setq 4_digit (rnd))
      (setq 5_digit (rnd))
      (setq 6_digit (rnd))
      (if (not (vl-position (setq *rtn* (atoi (strcat (itoa 1_digit) (itoa 2_digit) (itoa 3_digit) (itoa 4_digit) (itoa 5_digit) (itoa 6_digit)))) *lst*))
        (setq done t)
    (prompt (strcat "\n" (itoa *rtn*))) ; *rtn* - global variable - 6 digits number
    (setq *lst* (cons *rtn* *lst*)) ; *lst* - global variable - list of passed 6 digits numbers

;;; When routine start hold SPACE key to populate global variable *lst* ;;;
;;; To see which 6 digits number passed, when some time passed, click left mouse button and then type : !*lst* ;;;


(defun c:6_digit_rnd-2-while ( / vldcl-RandomByGUID n ns lst done )

  (defun vldcl-RandomByGUID ()
            (function (lambda ( x ) (< 47 x 58)))
              (vlax-get (vlax-create-object "Scriptlet.TypeLib") "GUID")

  (while (/= (car (grread)) 3)
    (setq done nil)
    (while (not done)
      (setq n (* (vldcl-RandomByGUID) 1e+6))
      (setq ns (rtos n 2))
      (setq *rtn* (substr ns 1 6))
      (setq lst (list (substr *rtn* 1 1) (substr *rtn* 2 1) (substr *rtn* 3 1) (substr *rtn* 4 1) (substr *rtn* 5 1) (substr *rtn* 6 1)))
      (if (and (not (vl-position "." lst)) (not (vl-position (atoi *rtn*) *lst*)))
        (setq done t)
    (prompt (strcat "\n" *rtn*))
    (setq *rtn* (atoi *rtn*)) ; *rtn* - global variable - 6 digit number
    (setq *lst* (cons *rtn* *lst*)) ; *lst* - global variable - list of passed 6 digit numbers

;;; When routine start hold SPACE key to populate global variable *lst* ;;;
;;; To see which 6 digits number passed, when some time passed, click left mouse button and then type : !*lst* ;;;




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To see concatenation of 6 digit number chunks, use this syntax :


(prompt (strcat "\n" (apply (function strcat) (mapcar (function itoa) *lst*))))(princ)


Regards, M.R.

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You know what...

It's better to observe 6 digit numbers as strings - this will allow that chunks sometimes have leading 0, which is totally valid representation...

So here are my codes with this intervention...


(defun c:6_digit_rnd-1-str ( / rnd *a* 1_digit 2_digit 3_digit 4_digit 5_digit 6_digit done )

  (defun rnd ( / ti tis ns n ) ; *a* - lexical global number variable ; return - n random number from 0 to 9
    (setq ti (car (_vl-times)))
    (setq tis (itoa ti))
    (setq ns (substr tis (strlen tis)))
    (setq n (atoi ns))
    (if (null *a*)
      (setq *a* n)
        (while (= *a* n)
          (setq ti (car (_vl-times)))
          (setq tis (itoa ti))
          (setq ns (substr tis (strlen tis)))
          (setq n (atoi ns))
        (setq *a* n)

  (while (not done)
    (setq 1_digit (itoa (rnd)))
    (setq 2_digit (itoa (rnd)))
    (setq 3_digit (itoa (rnd)))
    (setq 4_digit (itoa (rnd)))
    (setq 5_digit (itoa (rnd)))
    (setq 6_digit (itoa (rnd)))
    (if (not (vl-position (setq *rtn* (strcat 1_digit 2_digit 3_digit 4_digit 5_digit 6_digit)) *lst*))
      (setq done t)
      (setq done nil)
  (prompt (strcat "\n" *rtn*)) ; *rtn* - global variable - 6 digits number as string
  (setq *lst* (cons *rtn* *lst*)) ; *lst* - global variable - list of passed 6 digits numbers as strings
  (prompt "\n6_digit_rnd is stored in global variable *rtn* - you can call it with !*rtn*...")


(defun c:6_digit_rnd-1-while-str ( / rnd *a* 1_digit 2_digit 3_digit 4_digit 5_digit 6_digit done )

  (defun rnd ( / ti tis ns n ) ; *a* - lexical global number variable ; return - n random number from 0 to 9
    (setq ti (car (_vl-times)))
    (setq tis (itoa ti))
    (setq ns (substr tis (strlen tis)))
    (setq n (atoi ns))
    (if (null *a*)
      (setq *a* n)
        (while (= *a* n)
          (setq ti (car (_vl-times)))
          (setq tis (itoa ti))
          (setq ns (substr tis (strlen tis)))
          (setq n (atoi ns))
        (setq *a* n)

  (while (/= (car (grread)) 3)
    (setq done nil)
    (while (not done)
      (setq 1_digit (itoa (rnd)))
      (setq 2_digit (itoa (rnd)))
      (setq 3_digit (itoa (rnd)))
      (setq 4_digit (itoa (rnd)))
      (setq 5_digit (itoa (rnd)))
      (setq 6_digit (itoa (rnd)))
      (if (not (vl-position (setq *rtn* (strcat 1_digit 2_digit 3_digit 4_digit 5_digit 6_digit)) *lst*))
        (setq done t)
    (prompt (strcat "\n" *rtn*)) ; *rtn* - global variable - 6 digits number as string
    (setq *lst* (cons *rtn* *lst*)) ; *lst* - global variable - list of passed 6 digits numbers as strings

;;; When routine start hold SPACE key to populate global variable *lst* ;;;
;;; To see which 6 digits number passed, when some time passed, click left mouse button and then type : !*lst* ;;;


(defun c:6_digit_rnd-2-str ( / vldcl-RandomByGUID n ns lst done )

  (defun vldcl-RandomByGUID ()
            (function (lambda ( x ) (< 47 x 58)))
              (vlax-get (vlax-create-object "Scriptlet.TypeLib") "GUID")

  (while (not done)
    (setq n (* (vldcl-RandomByGUID) 1e+6))
    (setq ns (rtos n 2))
    (setq *rtn* (substr ns 1 6))
    (if (vl-string-search "." *rtn*)
      (setq *rtn* (vl-string-trim (strcat "0" *rtn*) "."))
    (if (not (vl-position *rtn* *lst*))
      (setq done t)
      (setq done nil)
  (prompt (strcat "\n" *rtn*)) ; *rtn* - global variable - 6 digit number as string
  (setq *lst* (cons *rtn* *lst*)) ; *lst* - global variable - list of passed 6 digit numbers as strings
  (setq *lst* (vl-remove "" *lst*))
  (prompt "\n6 digit rnd number is stored in *rtn* global variable... You can call it with : !*rtn*")


(defun c:6_digit_rnd-2-while-str ( / vldcl-RandomByGUID n ns lst done )

  (defun vldcl-RandomByGUID ()
            (function (lambda ( x ) (< 47 x 58)))
              (vlax-get (vlax-create-object "Scriptlet.TypeLib") "GUID")

  (while (/= (car (grread)) 3)
    (setq done nil)
    (while (not done)
      (setq n (* (vldcl-RandomByGUID) 1e+6))
      (setq ns (rtos n 2))
      (setq *rtn* (substr ns 1 6))
      (if (vl-string-search "." *rtn*)
        (setq *rtn* (vl-string-trim (strcat "0" *rtn*) "."))
      (if (not (vl-position *rtn* *lst*))
        (setq done t)
    (prompt (strcat "\n" *rtn*)) ; *rtn* - global variable - 6 digit number as string
    (setq *lst* (cons *rtn* *lst*)) ; *lst* - global variable - list of passed 6 digit numbers as strings
  (setq *lst* (vl-remove "" *lst*))

;;; When routine start hold SPACE key to populate global variable *lst* ;;;
;;; To see which 6 digits number passed, when some time passed, click left mouse button and then type : !*lst* ;;;


And finally for concatenation of chunk numbered strings, just use :


(prompt (strcat "\n" (apply (function strcat) *lst*)))(princ)



Regards, M.R.

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Here is Lee's sub in my interpretation...


(defun c:6_digit_rnd-LM-while-str ( / LM:rand done )

  ;; Rand  -  Lee Mac
  ;; PRNG implementing a linear congruential generator with
  ;; parameters derived from the book 'Numerical Recipes'

  (defun LM:rand ( / a c m )
      (setq m   4294967296.0
            a   1664525.0
            c   1013904223.0
            $xn (rem (+ c (* a (cond ($xn) ((getvar 'date))))) m)
      (/ $xn m)

  (while (/= 3 (car (grread)))
    (setq done nil)
    (while (not done)
      (setq *rtn* (rtos (* (LM:rand) 1e+6) 2 0))
        ( (= (strlen *rtn*) 5)
          (setq *rtn* (strcat "0" *rtn*))
        ( (= (strlen *rtn*) 4)
          (setq *rtn* (strcat "00" *rtn*))
        ( (= (strlen *rtn*) 3)
          (setq *rtn* (strcat "000" *rtn*))
        ( (= (strlen *rtn*) 2)
          (setq *rtn* (strcat "0000" *rtn*))
        ( (= (strlen *rtn*) 1)
          (setq *rtn* (strcat "00000" *rtn*))
      (if (not (vl-position *rtn* *lst*))
        (setq done t)
    (prompt (strcat "\n" *rtn*)) ;;; *rtn* - global variable - 6 digit number as string ;;;
    (setq *lst* (cons *rtn* *lst*)) ;;; *lst* - global variable - list of 6 digit numbers as strings ;;;
  (setq *lst* (vl-remove "" *lst*))

;;; When routine start hold SPACE key to populate global variable *lst* ;;;
;;; To see which 6 digits number passed, when some time passed, click left mouse button and then type : !*lst* ;;;




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